Friday, July 2, 2010

Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller

A thumb up to Garnier for coming up with this new concept of applying eye cream. I can't deny the spirit of innovation/good marketing, but does it work? Absolutely NO. I have dark cycles under my eyes, and wake up in the morning with my eyes all puffed up. I have been searching for a good eye cream like a vulture on a scavenging hunt. In my logic, a good eye cream is like liquid gold, well at least some of them cost just like gold. I have failed countless times, and despite my good instinct or could be just self-doubt, I decided to give a shot at a drug store brand. First of all, let me just say that I love drug store brands. I couldn't live without them, literally. It is just certain products I believe the more you pay for them, the better results you get, such as eye creams.:) Garnier face creams are great which I tried before. In my mind, they can be alternatives for any department store moisturizers if dryness is your only problem. I was confident about my choice, but not with the result.

I don't know if it is a design flaw or mine is a piece of junk, there was never a time I could get a right amount of serum out. It was either too much or none. According to the instruction, you need to press the roller ball against your eyes to apply serum. First, I did what I was told, nothing. Then, I decided to press harder. It came out too much and that hurt! After I almost finished half the tube, and nothing had changed. I gave up. Some people told me that they felt refreshed and soothing after using it. You know what, leave two old tea bags in the fridge and put them on the next morning is going to do the same trick, and it is free!

Try or Skip Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller?
Save your money and skip it.

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